GASR / English
A Galactic Astrology Soul Reading is a special session where I look at your direct star connections on your Birth Chart and look into the path of your incarnations in the cosmos. This is the Galactic perspective of your Soul's purpose.
We are all closely connected with the stars. From the moment we are born, we can see our role in the cosmic wheel of the universe. All creation is sacred. Our chart (natal birth chart) is our snapshot of our exact placement in the creation. What this means is that there are no random accidents in the universe and YOU are a perfectly designed being!
By looking at the key alignments in your natal chart, I can see to what other races, planets, and timelines you are having a connection with, also who your star families are.
What will I be looking for in a Galactic Astrology Soul Reading?
* Your Star Lines
I will be looking at all the different races you are directly associated with. Planets and galaxies in which you have incarnated and which can now guide you directly.
* Your Galactic History
During your Soul Journey you may have been involved in specific timelines or events. I will look at what timelines or universal wounds you can be called to heal in this lifetime.
* Primary Karma and Your Mission
Just as we have desires in this life, so does our soul for many lifetimes. I'll look at the primary roles you've played and see what lessons your soul chooses.
* Incarnations and Lives of the Earth
The Earth has been a gathering place for many starseeds. Each is here for a different purpose. Discover your purpose for being here, how many lives you have already had here and the level at which you resurfaced with your Soul's purpose.
Your Soul Essentials offers you 4 different possibilities in a Galactic Astrology Soul Reading (GASR). These are all options for a live zoom call. The options are explained in more detail for each level.
Why I don't offer written advice
Important life topics can be discussed in greater depth during a consultation. It can awaken memories and associations because the unconscious is very active during an astrological consultation. That's why I don't offer written advice.
1) GA Soul Reading Soul
Price : €90,00
It includes only data about your (soul) mission here on Earth.
2) GA Soul Reading Basic
Price : €170,00
It includes data from your first galactic incarnation with your star family and it contains the data about your mission here on Earth.
3) GA Soul Reading Extra
Price : €270,00
It contains all the information from 'Basic' and we go deeper into the relevance of your 'fixed star alignments' based on your astrological chart and your galactic connections of, among other things, your karma/dharma themes and what progression your soul has made.
4) GA Soul Reading All-in
Price : €390,00
This option we discuss all relevant information from the Basic and the Extra. This information has been further expanded with, among other things, information about your lives on earth, information about the basic colors of your soul and their meaning.
5) GA Soul Reading Single Born Twin
Price : €250,00
This option includes the meaning why you are a single born multiple, where you receive insights into what your soul mission is, your fears, how you can connect with your individuality, your authenticity and where your primal trust lies to fulfil your soul mission.
>> After the zoom call you will receive a recording of the conversation and a brief overview of your galactic connections / and important information.
- do you want to know if any existing complaints, discomforts or long-term health challenges have a possible connection with your galactic alignments? Then mention them.
3) after I received your full payment, we will make an appointment when to schedule the live zoom call